National Institute of Biologicals, India

Autoclaves & Rack & Cage Washers

National Institute of Biologicals  an autonomous Institution under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MOHFW) – Government of India, was set up in January, 1992 to act as the national control laboratory for assuring the availability of high standard and good quality biological products for consumption in India and for exports. It was set up as a society (vide No. S-22590) under the Societies Registration Act 1860. laid down in Bye-Laws of the institute, for quality control of endogenously produced and imported biological products.

The Problem

NIB were looking to establish a State of Art Animal House and labs that could be adapted for a variety of research applications efficiently.
Reliability, Authenticity and Zero lag time in case of break down for service of equipment’s were of paramount importance.

The Solution

STERIS Life Sciences, USA is a leader in cleaning validation & infection prevention solutions and has installed multiple numbers of Autoclaves & Rack and Cage Washers and many other equipment’s in this prestigious institution in associations with Unipharma India.
Unipharma Products Pvt Ltd. India is associated with STERIS as its Exclusive Distributor in India with extensively trained team of engineers spread all across India. The service network efficiently disposes its responsibility for On Time Service, Spares Management and Maintenance Requirements at NIB, Noida.

After Care

Looking into Zero lag time in case of break down for service of equipment’s at NIB, Noida, the On-Site Engineers Team from Unipharma takes care of all support requirements related to STERIS Life Sciences equipment’s.

Key Points
  1. NIB, Noida undertakes high end science based testing with R&D interface for application of science with focus on gaining knowledge of their requirements to help them achieve their targets.
  2. Equipment’s reliability, authenticity and zero lag time in case of break down is of paramount importance at the site.
  3. This prestigious Institution is equipped with STERIS Life Sciences equipment’s and managed by STERIS USA’s associate Unipharma India.
  4. The On Site Engineers team from Unipharma, take care of all support requirements related to STERIS Life Sciences equipment’s.